About Us

Hey, I’m Matt, Founder of Misguided Industries.  I have worked in the patch since I was young. I had a great job, but I was miserable being away from my family. I was building bumpers for fun for a couple of years and really enjoyed the work. 


One shitty cold day in camp up in Fort St John, BC I decided to quit my steady welding inspection job, which I had busted my a** for, to get into the bumper game!  I spent my savings buying a CNC Table, new welders, etc and then blew all of my money in 1 month. 


Back to the pipeline I went feeling like a failure. Nothing but doubt. I got my bank account fueled up and went back at it  again! I was going to give it another go. I lasted another month and had to go back on the road again, ha. This happened to me 5 times until things started working and growing.


Now it is my full-time gig and I can truly say I love my job.  Getting to pursue my passion of trucks and building bumpers was worth it.  I pushed through the nay-sayers and the doubt from myself to get here.  I gave up 100 times but kept coming back and it started to pay off.  I look forward to what is to come next!  Thank you for your support and keep grinding!